Kat Petroschkat Timeline

Coming up

  • 28.9.2024 Barfly (with Susanne Schmitt), Living in the Liminal, Hildegard Berlin
  • 12.10.2024 Barfly (with Susanne Schmitt), Freistil Theater Festival, Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte
  • 18.11.2024 Barfly (with Susanne Schmitt), Münchener Zentrum für Nachhaltigkeit (MZN), LMU München


  • 15.5.2024 Vernissage, Munich Creative Business Week, Fraunhofer-Netzwerk »Wissenschaft, Kunst und Design«, Fraunhofer IAO, Werksviertel Mitte
  • 17.5.2024 Hydroponic-Workshop, Munich Creative Business Week, Fraunhofer-Netzwerk »Wissenschaft, Kunst und Design«, Fraunhofer IAO, Werksviertel Mitte


  • 7.12.23 7 pm The Hercules and Leo Case, Polyphonic Museum / Heppel und Ettlich, München
  • 26.10.23 7 pm, Opening group show "Upheaval Beyond", Ping Rodach Contemporary, Munich
  • 14.10.23 Lange Nacht der Museen München, fu:topia, Werksviertel Mitte, Munich
  • fu:topia, artistic and scientific perspectives on urban sustentation, with Fraunhofer network "Science, Art and Design", curatd by Dr. Martina Taubenberger and Benjamin Jantzen, Werksviertel Mitte
  • ERES-projects: "Gelber als Gold", BARFLY (Susanne Schmitt und Kat Petroschkat)


  • damage type 12345, Opening, Kunzt66, München
  • The Hercules and Leo Case, Performance at Literaturfest München, Favorit Bar
  • Test_Lab, V2_Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
  • Haptic Worldings curated by Dr. Susanne Schmitt, workshop at the International Center for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
  • "Edith" curated by Raquel Ro, Superbooks 3, Haus der Kunst, München
  • Barfly for IASS Potsdam, Umweltfest Potsdam -> cancelled!
  • Barfly: performative installation with Dr. Susanne Schmitt, Art & Science Festival Nantesbuch
  • The Hercules and Leo Case: "Noises and Voices", Olympiapark München


  • The Hercules and Leo Case in Polyphonic.Museum, Platform, Munich, curated by Adam Lange
  • Malus D-Domestica, Urban Tree Festival London (online) with Dr. Susanne Schmitt, Raquel Ro and Mariana Renthel
  • The Hercules and Leo Case : "The Cosmic Cookbook Circle", Friedensfest Augsburg, F*AMLab Munich
  • The Hercules and Leo Case, Grenzen Festival, DeAvantgarden, Einstein Kultur, 3.6.2021
  • The Hercules and Leo Case : "The Cosmic Cookbook Circle" in "Systemrelevant? Feministische Perspektiven", Evangelische Akademie Tutzing
  • Das KloHäuschen / Kunstverein Ebersberg : Wo bitte geht`s nach Arkadien? / Ne travallez jamais
  • The Hercules and Leo Case Kitchen Performance, F*AMLab Munich / Glockenbackwerkstatt


  • "Barfly as multispecies encounter", guest lecture with Dr.Susanne Schmitt, Science and Techology Studies, TU München
  • Radio: Millions and in Millions of Years in Ancient to the future by Olaf Karnik und Volker Zander for Deutschlandfunk Kultur
  • 5. Klohäuschen Biennale KHBi5, Klohäuschen an der Großmarkthalle, curated by Anja Uhlig